Established in 1977, under the sponsorship of His Majesty, Sultan Qaboos bin Said, the Sultan’s School provides a high quality education which allows our students to enter the world’s leading universities..
Our outstanding facilities, together with a highly professional teaching staff means we are proud of our reputation as one of the leading bilingual schools in the region.
The following ‘Statement of Philosophy’ was published in 1978:
“The Sultan’s School exists to help young men and women to acquire those ethical and intellectual qualities that are necessary for leadership in the rapidly changing world of Oman. While the focus is upon developing these qualities in Omani citizens, qualified students from other Arab countries are welcome.
The educational programme will endeavour to produce versatile leaders who are international in their perspective. The school will be preparatory in nature since it is assumed that most graduates will attend a university. The total school programme will encourage each student to become a self-directed individual who assumes responsibility for his or her actions.
Within the instructional programme, there must be a delicate balance between maintaining standards and offering individual programmes to meet the varying abilities, learning style and previous achievement of each student. Every attempt will be made to identify ability and nourish its development.”