Academic Year 20-21 – Updated Information – 1st February 2021

Dear Parents,

As I am sure you are aware, last week we had a confirmed case of COVID within our student body. To maintain the health and safety of our students and staff it was decided to close the secondary school for a short period. By taking this course of action we have been able to meet the necessary isolation/quarantine periods and it has allowed us to give the secondary school a ‘deep clean’.

Upon taking further advice from the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Ministry of Health (MOH), we have now decided upon the following course of action with regards to the return of secondary students:

  • Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 will return to school on Sunday 7th
  • Please note we are still operating the hybrid ‘week in, week out’ system and therefore only students allocated to week 2 should attend on the 7th
  • Week 1 students should attend school from Sunday 14th
  • Year 11 students will complete their mock examinations on Sunday 7th and Monday 8th February and will commence normal classes on Tuesday 9th
  • Year 13 students will continue with their e-learning programme until Sunday 14th Their mock examinations will then begin on Monday 15th February in campus.

Several parents have contacted me to enquire about the hybrid system and to ask why some year groups are allowed to attend every day, while other are required to work from home for one week and are then allowed to attend school the following week. In short, the simple answer is that some of our year groups are considerably bigger than others and we are required to follow the MOE/MOH regulations concerning social distancing and student capacity.

In addition to the above, some parents have indicated that they would like their child/children to continue working on-line for the foreseeable future. The school will continue to support those students through live lessons and will have all the resources available through Firefly. I would, however, like to remind those parents who have chosen this option to complete the e-learning form as we are required to submit this to the MOE. Although this form has already been distributed, additional copies are available from the Head of Primary and the Head of Secondary.

I would also like to inform parents it has been decided that the serving of school lunches will be suspended for the remainder of this academic year and this charge will be removed from the school fees accordingly. If you have any questions relating to this matter, please contact Mr Yahya in the Finance Department.

Finally, I would also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that we will have a short mid-term next week and the school will be closed on Thursday 11th February and will reopen on Sunday 14th February.

If you have any questions relating to these matters, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Glenn Canterford


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